Homecoming Dance


Homecoming 2022 Permission, Waiver, Assumption of Risk, and Release Agreement and Guidelines

Homecoming will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm at Liberty Station South Promenade, which is located at 2850 Roosevelt Rd, San Diego, CA 92106 (“Dance”). In consideration for Mater Dei Catholic High School (“MDCHS”) permitting the below named student/student guest (“Student”) to participate in the Dance, I, the undersigned parent/legal guardian of Student (“Parent”), agree to the terms and conditions of this Permission, Waiver, Assumption of Risk, and Release Agreement and Guidelines (“Agreement”) as set forth herein (Parent and MDCHS are sometimes collectively referred to herein as “Parties”):

  1. 1. Informed & Voluntary Consent: I understand and acknowledge that my consent for Student to participate in the Dance is strictly voluntary and that I may decline to provide permission for Student to participate in the Dance. I understand and acknowledge that MDCHS will not arrange transportation to or from the Dance for Student, and Student and I are solely responsible for arranging Students’ transportation to and from the Dance.
  2. 2. Student Conduct:  I agree that Student must adhere to all MDCHS rules and policies for student conduct, including those set forth in the Dance Guidelines, attached hereto as Exhibit A, which are incorporated by reference.  I further agree that MDCHS has the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to terminate Student’s participation in the Dance at any time for conduct in violation of any MDCHS rule or policy or for any conduct MDCHS deems detrimental to MDCHS, Student, or any other party.
  3. 3. Acknowledgement & Assumption of Risk:  I acknowledge and agree that there are many inherent risks, known and unknown, involved with Student participating in the Dance, including, but not limited to: exposure to or infection of COVID-19 or other illness or infectious disease emotional distress; and damage to or loss of personal property, life, limb, or other injury. Nevertheless, I expressly assume responsibility for all risks associated with Student participating in the Dance whether or not described in this Agreement, known or unknown, or inherent or otherwise.
  4. 4. Voluntary Release of All Claims:  I, on behalf of myself and Student, hereby voluntarily release, waive, discharge, covenant not to sue, and relinquish MDCHS, its officers, directors, board members, administrators, employees, agents, and representatives (collectively “the Released Parties”) from any and all claims, demands and liabilities, including for personal injuries, accidents or illness (including death), emotional distress, and property damage or loss (“Claims”) arising from Student participating in the Dance, except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of the Released Parties.
  5. 5. Release of Third Party Liability:  I acknowledge that Moniker Events & Liberty Station Community Association, Crumbl Cookie, Snake Oil Cocktail Co, GOT DJ Company, San Diego Linens, Diamond Environmental Services LP, and EDCO Disposal Corporation (“Providers”), are third party entities, and the Released Parties are not agents of, have no responsibility or liability for, and have no control over the services provided by the Providers, their officers, trustees, directors, employees, volunteers, insurers, agents and representatives (collectively, “Providers’ Parties”).  I acknowledge that, as a condition of Student’s participation in the Dance, I release and hold harmless the Released Parties and each of them from any and all Claims arising out of any acts, omissions, negligence, or intentional misconduct of the Providers’ Parties that provide services for the Dance.
  6. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless:  To the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Released Parties, and each of them, harmless from and against any and all Claims Student may bring or other Claims to the extent caused by Student’s acts or omissions while participating in the Dance.
  7. 7. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes a single, integrated agreement expressing the entire Agreement of the Parties with regard to the subject matter addressed in this Agreement.  This Agreement may be modified or superseded only in a written instrument that specifically references the Agreement and is executed by all Parties.
Student Name(Required)
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent 1 Name(Required)
Parent 1 Email(Required)
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent 2 Name
Parent 2 Email
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY


Section 1:         TICKETS

  1. (a) Ticket sales will be held from Saturday, October 1st through Friday, October 14th.
  2. (b) The price per ticket is $60
  3. (c) Tickets can be purchased through the MDCHS Online Store at https://store.materdeicatholic.org/
  4. (d) Only students who purchased a ticket and whose name is on the dance roster will be admitted to the dance.  When purchasing a ticket, please make sure to do so in the name of the student and the guest who will be attending the dance.
  5. (e) Only Mater Dei Catholic High School students are permitted to purchase a ticket and attend the dance. No outside guests are permitted to attend.
  6. (f) There will be no refunds on tickets.

Section 2:         STUDENT CONDUCT

  1. (a) Students must attend all their classes the school day prior to the event in order to attend the dance.  Any student who is absent for all or a portion of that day will not be permitted to attend the dance.
  2. (b) To be admitted to the dance, students must present their school ID or other photo ID.  Failure to produce these items at the check–in table could result in not being admitted to the dance.
  3. (c) Students will be asked to open purses/bags and empty pockets for inspection prior to entering the dance.  The school reserves the right to conduct a breathalyzer test before permitting students or their guests to enter the dance or at any time during the dance if the school has reasonable suspicion that the student or guest are under the influence of alcohol.
  4. (d) Absolutely no tobacco (including e-cigarettes), alcohol, or drugs of any nature are permitted at the dance.  Anyone, including students and their guests, possessing/using/under the influence of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs will have their parents/legal guardians called, will be required to stay at the dance with a school employee until their parents/legal guardians arrive, will only be released to their parents/legal guardians, and law enforcement may be called. Students will also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
  5. (e) Dancing must remain appropriate to a school environment. Inappropriate dancing will be stopped and those participating may be removed from the dance and be subject to the school’s disciplinary rules.
  6. (f) Students must follow all instructions of any chaperone/administrator at all times.
  7. (g) Once admitted to the dance, students will not be allowed to leave and re-enter. This includes going to the student’s car.
  8. (h) Students may not enter any off-limit areas of the venue.
  9. (i) The dance begins at 7:00 pm and ends at 10:00 pm. Doors are closed, and no one is admitted after 8:00 pm and no student may leave before 9:30 pm.
  10. (j) Students must adhere to all applicable rules and policies of MDCHS, and the MDCHS Administration reserves the right to terminate any student or guest’s participation in the dance or to make any other decisions needed to ensure a safe night for everyone.

Section 3:         ATTIRE

  1. (a) The dance is a formal dress occasion, and the theme is Masquerade.
  2. (b) Masquerade masks are permitted, but must be removable for check-in.
  3. (c) Students are expected to dress appropriately as determined by the School.  Inappropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to, clothing that exposes the midriff, is backless, is too short, etc.  Students wearing inappropriate clothing to the dance will have their parents called.  Guests wearing inappropriate clothing to the dance will not be admitted to the dance.


Parking will be Provided in Lot P of Liberty Station. Students can be dropped off in Lot P and walk over to the South Promenade for check-in. Students should also be picked up in Lot P.

Parents are asked to pick up students and their guests no later than 10:00 pm.

Section 5:         PHOTO INFORMATION

Photo booth will be provided for students to take photos at the dance.

Section 6:         FOOD INFORMATION

Cookies will be provided by Crumbl Cookies

Refreshments will be provided by Snake Oil Cocktail Company

Simply submitting the permission slip does not mean you have purchased a ticket to the Homecoming Dance!

  1. 1. Click the "Go to Purchase Your Ticket" button below.
  2. 2. Add the Homecoming ticket to your cart.
  3. 3. Hover over the shopping cart image in the main menu and click on "Checkout"
  4. 4. Fill out the required fields in the billing portion of the checkout form.
  5. 5. Fill out the required fields in the Homecoming Dance 2022 attendee information section of the checkout form.
  6. 6. Add a valid form of payment to the Credit Card (Stripe) portion of the checkout form.
  7. 7. Click the "Place Order" button.

If you want to pay later, please click the ""Save Permission Slip Information & Checkout Later" button, email yourself or your parents the link to continue the permission slip where you left off, and submit the permission slip when you are ready to checkout.